Membership - Inventor center of KC
Inventor Center Membership Information Actions Speak Louder... Invent your future
Donations and Sponsorships are greatly appreciated and will help cover some of our monthly expenses.
Currently, we have more than 1,035 members and an average monthly attendance between 50 - 80, depending on the topic and season.
We are growing rapidly. Please join us at our Next Meeting.
We do not publish our membership list and send only two emails per month. The first is an e-meeting reminder; the second is a follow-up e-newsletter. Sponsors may submit information, per the Sponsor Benefits page.
Below is a member profile;
2009 surveys completed by 335 members in July with total membership base of 490.
2011 surveys completed by 473 members through December, with total membership base of 1,035.
Last Updated (Monday, 16 January 2012 13:42)