Our meetings are free and open to the public so our operational support comes from our corporate sponsors and generous individuals. Participation is growing. We have no paid staff and an all volunteer board of directors so your generosity directly helps inspire innovation and spark small business start-up. Our funding comes from three sources with benefits listed below.
Checks may be mailed to:
ICKC c/o Lloyd Schaefer 15701 Howe Street, Overland Park, KS 66224-3880
A tax-deductible donation of any amount helps us Promote Innovation, Provide Education, and Encourage Entrepreneurship. Find out about preimium memberships.
- Premium members choose to share their commitment to innovation and inventing excellence by supporting ICKC's vision and goals with their financial support.
- ICKC premium members are those who wish to rise above the crowd and receive individualized assistance from our oard of directors, committee chairs and corporate sponsors.
- Premium members receive a copy of Stephen Key's book, "One Simple Idea", as our thanks for your support
- All benefits of ICKC nonprofit membership in NonProfit Connect, education, resources and networking.
- A page on our Resource Blog listing 1 photo, 1 link to "find out more" plus 5-10 keywords optimized by our SEO and Google Adword account.
- Recognition on PreShow powerpoint at monthly meetings.
- Receive 5 minutes to promote your organization at 1 monthly meeting.
- Presentation preserved on Archive Video of each meeting.
- Provide hand outs or brochures at our meeting. (No on site transactions, per Kauffman rules.)
- Obtain credibility among members. See details.
- Network with members at featured exhibit table.
- Be informally referred by Board of Directors.
- Receive 1 pre-meeting email w/ logo sent to all members via email.
- Become listed with hotlink in down loadable pdf agendas from “Previous Meetings”.
Have presentation preserved on video achieve of the meetings. - Get listed on our blog resource with 5 - 15 keywords SEO'd with ads.
All Meeting Sponsor benefits, including a 5 minute promotion at 1 meeting, plus:
- Logo linked on yearly Calender Page.
- Logo linked on Blog Resource directory.
- Links on our Facebook and LinkedIn groups.
All Silver Sponsor benefits, including a 5 minute promotion at 1 meeting, plus:
- Provide promotional material at any ICKC meeting.
- Logo promoted all monthly pre-meeting slide shows.
- Logo linked on all ICKC WebPages, except Home page, on the right side bar for 1 year.
- 5 minute presentation filmed and loaded on our YouTube Channel.
$2,500 Platinum Sponsor Benefits
All Gold Sponsor benefits, including a 5 minute promotion at 1 meeting, plus:
- Special Recognition ICKC Annual Invention Contest with Admission for 4 (1/2 table).
- Logo on Annual Invention Contest flyers, post cards, etc.
- Sponsor name or logo in advertisements and flyers, when appropriate.
- Blog feature enhanced with adwords directed to the page for up to 30 keywords.
- Hotlink on e-news whenever appropriate.
- Logo linked on all ICKC WebPages: Home, Blog, Right Side Bar for a full year.
- Use of ICKC logo on sponsor website and marketing material. Increase market “good will” toward your company as you encourage innovation.
3) INVENTION CONTEST / PRODUCT SEARCH HOST $10,000 - $20,000 Manufacture / Distributor
Inquire Here
Checks may be mailed to:
ICKC c/o Lloyd Schaefer 15701 Howe Street, Overland Park, Ks 66224-3880
Product Search Event:
Reach the inventor community with credibility and style. Promote your organization as a leader in innovation. The Inventor’s Club of KC (ICKC) is offering an opportunity for you to find great inventions by sponsoring our Annual Invention Contest held each year in August at the Kauffman Foundation Conference Center. The event is covered by all major local media and attracts a national audience. Sponsoring an ICKC hosted event has many benefits to your organization.
How it works:
ICKC sends out the call through our extensive network of inventors, national advertising campaigns, targeted keyword advertising and social networks to secure product submissions. We work closely with your team to understand your needs. We spark imagination within the inventor community to find the perfect line extension or new product for your company. We pre-screen hundreds of invention submissions from around the globe, and then narrow the focus to the top 10 – 20 patents or patents pending. These semi-finalists are invited to present live to a panel of judges who select the top 3 winners. Your company then enters license or acquisition negotiations according to your own process. Sponsoring an Invention Contest is an inspiring, productive evening that will add passion to your employees and encourage entrepreneurship in your community.
- benefit from our online advertising budget of $10,000 a month in Google Adwords, bidding $1 per keyword.
- reduce R&D expense by allowing ICKC to pre-screen quality products.
- increase market “good will” toward your company as you encourage innovation.
- recruit great ideas for your R&D, just specify the type or category, we do the rest.
- sponsor banner may be displayed all events.
- sponsor introduction at any event attended.
- dinner table for 6-8 guests at the annual contest.
- Opportunity to provide a promotional item and literature at all tables.
- sponsor name or logo in organization's e-newsletter with hotlink.
- sponsor name or logo in contest advertisements in newspapers, magazines, TV and radio.
- spotlight in public relations campaign, when possible.
- sponsor listing in the program agenda.
- sponsor logo on ICKC’s website with hotlink to your website.
- category exclusivity (a guarantee to sponsors that once they sign on, none of your competitors will be allowed to sponsor the annual contest).
- use of ICKC logo on sponsor website and marketing material.
Interested? Watch our 1 minute video overview on ICKC, a certified nonprofit, you can trust.
Last Updated (Wednesday, 18 January 2012 15:09)